Einzelhandelsverpackungen für Obst und Gemüse
Home News The NNZ Southwest team represented NNZ at the Hatch Chile Festival
Hatch, New Mexico, is considered the chili capital of the world
Hatch, New Mexico, is considered the chili capital of the world. For years, NNZ has been a loyal partner to the local farmers who often pack their chilis in jute. This holds a special sentiment as our founder, Rien Boot (1889-1964), brought the NNZ story to life in 1922 by purchasing jute .
Depending on the storage conditions, transportation, and expected storage duration, chilis are often packed in jute. This is because of:
Big thanks to the entire team for all their efforts in preparing for this event, and special thanks to our colleagues Mike Gear for the coordination and Michelle Rafferty for the beautiful photos.
Growth has been based on NNZ strengths including it’s people, relationships and the value offered to clients, following our strategy of customer intimacy and service.
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